Welcome to VRSamadhan - Corporate gifting Company! Call +91 88506 71139 for instant suppport.

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Shipping and Delivery Policies

Thank you for choosing opt4Solution.store for your corporate gifting needs!
Delivery Time:
  • Standard delivery time for most products is between 7-15 working days.
  • This timeframe may vary depending on:
    • Product availability
    • Customization requirements
    • Special agreements outlined in the seller's Estimate or your Purchase Order
Delivery and Labor Charges:
  • Delivery and labor charges are not included in the product price.
  • We offer two options:
    1. Opt4Solution Delivery:
      You can choose our delivery service with charges calculated based on the actual cost.
    2. Client Pickup:
      You can arrange pickup from our warehouse, printing facility, or the manufacturer's location.
Damages During Transport:
  • We take great care in packaging and shipping your products.
  • However, in the rare case of damage to dedicated materials (materials specific to your order), we will inform you in advance.
  • Please note that damages incurred during transport are not covered by Opt4Solution.store.
Returns and Replacements:

Due to the customized and branded nature of our products, we generally do not offer returns or replacements. However, there are exceptions:

  • Manufacturing Defects:
    If a product has a manufacturing defect, we will be happy to replace it, provided it was manufactured in India or is under warranty.
  • Pre-Order Discussions:
    If any product is without replacement warrantee will be informed during pre-order discussions also.
Please note:
  • It is crucial to review the Estimate or Purchase Order details for any specific delivery timeframes or agreements.
  • We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions regarding shipping, delivery, or our return/replacement policy.

We value your business and strive to provide a smooth and transparent buying experience at Opt4Solution.store!