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Five things to remember when beginning your job search

The job search can always be a journey of having several mental breakdowns to feeling absolutely confident and Motivated. Here are five things you got to remember before you kick off your job search.
  1. Upgrade Your Resume.
    Your resume will always be your first impression of yours, the company will first judge you by your Resume before the actual interview. So make sure your resume is top-notch. And Often times the candidates get rejected by the company before the actual interview because of their inadequate resumes. Mention each and every job that you've done, and true and honest things in your resume. Make sure your resume has all the keywords that the hiring manager is looking for, eg if you're looking for a job in the marketing field then make sure you mention all the words like Sales, B2B, B2C, and more as your skills which will make your resume look disparate to the hiring manager. And Finally, Make sure you have a great cover letter for the recruiter or Hiring Manager. No Matter how significant your resume is, it won't be worth it if your cover letter is sleazy.
  2. Make Sure You're Aware Of What You Want
    Freshers will always find difficulties while applying for their first job as they still wouldn't have figured out what they exactly want and what they exactly want to be. You need to sit with yourself or you can also take the help of your parents or siblings who are working, learn and know about how the working culture works and how the corporate world works before applying for the job. The people who have the experience need to think twice before switching to another job, every other person feels like any other job is better than their current job, but before switching to another job or company think carefully either it may lead you to the best situation, similar or the worst situation. If the company is offering high salary but their work culture is something you wished for. Do not dream for the office with nice and big interiors. 
  3. Tidy Up Your Social Media
    Kindly keep this in mind the recruiter or HR will go through your social media, I know I know you might think why would the hiring manager be interested in my social media? Because it may affect the Hiring Manager in both positive and negative aspects. Make sure your LinkedIn profile looks as good as your resume. Delete all the negative and nuisance posts that might fan the flames of HR. Keep your LinkedIn profile up to date. Also, check if you are not knowingly or were unknowingly tagged in some ruinous post. Make sure you have good amount of connections in LinkedIN. Post and Share things that are more about professionalism. Update your achievements and the your promotions. 
  4. Know your salary expectations
    Before applying for a job figure out your salary requirements. Know your worth and expect your salary accordingly, also salary should be able to meet your basic need. The best thing that one can do is research the salary range for the jobs which will be very helpful for you while negotiating with the hiring manager. One shouldn't be greedy and ask for a salary that is higher than the current market trend. There are times when salary negotiations are more likely to be successful and most of the time you might get doomed. Practice Negotiation skills, it is very important for your career development. Do not ask for salary out of greediness. 
  5. Take It Easy 
    Searching for a job can be the most stressful thing to do, sometimes it may drain all your energy and may let you give up at times. Be kind to yourself talk to people, and take suggestions from them.  Remember every job comes with different opportunities. Prepare yourself for the challenges that might come during your interview phases, accept rejection, and boost yourself every day with new skills and knowledge. Every Rejection makes your confidence and self esteem ten times better. Practice to control your anger, as sometimes you may experience a ton load of stress which may make you feel to quit your job. Search Job as per your needs and wants, you don’t need to compare your current job with other people. Before resigning the current job always do the research if there are jobs that are relevant to you in the market trend. There might be days when your apply for 20-30 jobs but you don’t get calls from one single company, which doesn’t mean your aren’t talented or you’re no capable of anything, some recruiter takes time to analyze your resume do not leave hopes and keep applying until and unless you find that job that you’ve always dreamed of.